أفضل نباتات الزينة لتنقية الهواء في الغرف

أفضل نباتات الزينة لتنقية الهواء في الغرف , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The need to incorporate the best ornamental plants to purify the air in the rooms, is no longer a type of luxury or coquetry, but any family head who cares about the health of his family must take advantage of the ability of these plants to purify the air, and it is no secret to anyone that pollution is surrounding us from every direction, even Inside the house, where cleaning materials that leave harmful substances and gases affect the nervous system and cause tension and headaches, and may bring more exacerbating symptoms to asthma and allergy sufferers in general, we will, through the reference site, display each of these types to remove the damage caused to certain categories of those materials harmful, such as the elderly, children and pregnant women.

The benefits of air purifying plants

In the 1980s, the famous NASA agency studied the benefits of some ornamental plants in their ability to purify the air, as they wanted to provide clean air for space stations, and came up with recommendations on the best ornamental plants to purify the air in rooms, as it showed the ability of some ornamental plants to absorb some harmful substances that can To be exported from household cleaners and cosmetics, in addition to the substances that are mainly stuck in the soil.

As a result of the need for some to provide a safe space at home to spend time; Especially with the spread of the Corona virus, as well as the need for some to apply social distancing and stay at home as long as possible, it has become necessary to use air purification techniques, which is very expensive, which prompted some to use the air purifier plant for this purpose.

The best ornamental plants to purify the air in rooms

The benefits of colored or even green plants are not limited to their breathtaking beauty and the tranquility they bring wherever they go, but their uses extend to cleaning the atmosphere, thanks to their great ability to draw carbon dioxide, produce abundant oxygen, and absorb harmful substances resulting from the use of modern electronic and imaging devices, paint materials, air purification of air polluted by smoke exhaust, etc.; Therefore, one needs a unique purification system that rids him of harmful substances flying in the sky of his home, by acquiring the best ornamental plants to purify the air in the rooms contributes to improving mental abilities and cognitive processes, and helps focus, as it improves mental health, and below we explain the best ornamental plants to purify Air in the rooms:

Bamboo palm

This palm gives a distinctive and unique decorative appearance, and many call it the yellow Areca palm, and it is one of the best ornamental plants for purifying the air in rooms, thanks to its composition and characteristics that enable it to get rid of insects and expel them away from the room, as well as from carbon monoxide harmful to humans such as xylene. Formaldehyde and chloroform.

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pothos plant

Pothos is not just a number on our list of the best indoor air purifiers; But it contributes to reducing the sensitivity of the eyes, and it can be acquired in commercial offices and others, and it is preferable to have it in the rooms, especially for those who work at home, as it relieves eyestrain for those who work a lot on screens and computers. Some also acquire it for its ability to purify the atmosphere from benzene and formaldehyde, as well as carbon monoxide.

English ivy

This plant has a miraculous ability to purify the atmosphere from formaldehyde, which is sure to spread in the room, as it is produced from cleaning materials, especially carpet cleaners, and NASA stated in its recommendations that using this plant in the study room gives great focus to one in addition to its ability to purify the air from smoke. Cigarettes and their bad effect, especially on children, this plant, which is the most famous and best ornamental plant to purify the air in rooms, is characterized by its amazing ability to adapt quickly to the new environment, and grow with ease without the need for much trouble.

Swedish Ivy

The best ornamental plants to purify the air in rooms

Swedish Ivy, or Swedish ivy, is considered one of the plants that has a large and fast ability to grow, without much effort from the owner, as it is recommended by the owners of ornamental plant shops for novice customers who do not have a long experience in the care and management of plants, and it is ideal in the home of those who suffer It is hypersensitive to a number of materials, and it has a great advantage that it does not need direct light, that is, it can be placed normally in rooms, to bring beauty thanks to its bright color, and at the same time it is classified as the best ornamental plant to purify the air in rooms.

Janet caring plant

Janet caring is the best ornamental plant to purify the air in rooms, from trichlorochlorine, which is produced by the use of some machines and cameras.

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snake plant

The snake plant is considered the best ornamental plant to purify the air in the rooms. It can be integrated into the home decor to obtain a high percentage of oxygen that allows breathing comfortably, while improving the mood and improving the work of the body’s systems.

peace lily plant

For flower lovers, the peace lily plant is a great choice. Throughout the summer, the plant produces intensely flowers. The flowers are very beautiful and wonderful, with their beautiful and attractive white color. In addition, they are ranked among the best ornamental plants to purify the air in rooms; It absorbs benzene, trichlorobenzene, formaldehyde, as well as ammonia, in addition to feeding on germs that grow in high humidity places, especially in bathrooms and near curtains, which cause the appearance of green mold. It also absorbs harmful gases from acetone and alcohol. Just need to take care of it moist soil, as well as provide a place in the shade.

rosemary plant

Some may be surprised that rosemary is one of the best ornamental plants to purify the air in rooms, as it is known to be a medicinal herb for treating some diseases, as well as having cosmetic properties.

pineapple plant

The pineapple plant gives one fruit within two years, but there is a better use than getting the fruit. It improves sleep efficiency and reduces insomnia thanks to its production of fresh oxygen in the room. It also reduces the phenomenon of snoring in some, and it represents a distinctive and unique decorative piece.

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golden potts plant

This plant has a large and high ability to get rid of formaldehyde, according to the recommendations of NASA, and it effectively absorbs carbon monoxide, and is characterized by its great ability to adapt, as well as difficult to die or damage, and does not require special care, so it is among the best ornamental plants Air purifier in rooms, which is the most popular with many.


Aloe vera is not without anyone’s home; Due to its great ability to grow without human intervention, it is not easily lost, in addition to being one of the best ornamental plants to purify the air in rooms, it is also used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes as well.

spider plant

This plant is highly effective for those who suffer from allergies, as it purifies the atmosphere very efficiently, and also expels mold-causing germs. Enough to grow and nurture quickly and amazingly.

palm salon

This plant needs weak or medium light in order to grow and grow in a balanced manner. It is the best ornamental plant to purify the air in rooms. It is easy to care for and does not need permanent irrigation. It is preferable to leave the soil dry from water between watering times, and it has a wonderful ability to absorb toluene. And xylene, as well as purifying the air from formaldehyde and ammonia, provided that a favorable and favorable environment for growth is provided, which is exposure to light in an indirect way.

Boston fern

Boston fern, or as it is called the fougere or the fern, the name of this plant came from its wide spread in the state of Boston, America, as it is the first choice for lovers of planting natural home plants, and it is classified among the best ornamental plants to purify the air in rooms, as it absorbs car exhaust and polluted air. With tobacco and cigarette smoke, the plant has a wonderful aesthetic and decorative appearance; As it is very similar to feathers, it is characterized by its beautiful green color, another feature of this distinctive plant, which is its great ability to moisturize the place, and in return it does not need to bother with care or complicated steps to grow well, as it basically grows very quickly.

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yellow couch palm

In addition to its charming and creative appearance, this palm has many advantages to purify the atmosphere from harmful substances, in addition to its ability to regulate the humidity in the place in which it is located, and it also removes the salt in the soil and resists pests, it is easy to care for provided that it is placed not exposed to direct sunlight, It lives at 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Lady Palm

The Lady Palm, or what is called the Palm Lady, is a distinctive and ideal type of air purifier from impurities and bacteria in the air. The presence of this palm called the Palm Lady will bring peace and tranquility to the house thanks to its beautiful appearance, as it is truly a decorative piece.

flexi fig

The flexible fig plant is called the rubber plant, as it is very similar to it. This type of plant tolerates lack of light and low temperatures. It withstands harsh conditions and gets rid of toxins suspended in the air, such as harmful formaldehyde.

dwarf palm

The best ornamental plant for air purification in roomsIt is called the dwarf palm due to its short length; Where it reaches a length of only six feet, and it barely grows or elongates, it has the ability to survive for many decades, and it is also called the rubellin palm, and does not need much light to grow, purifies the atmosphere from harmful xylene, and materials resulting from paint materials and wall paints .


This fig plant has several forms, each type has a specific way of growing and its own shape, and they are classified as follows:

  • Type with interlocking and braided leaves.
  • A multi-leaf plant that stems from a single jar.
  • Solo fig plant.


Chrysanthemum flowers are an ideal addition to the home, and a distinctive decorative piece, as the flowers give a soft and poetic touch to the place, especially if their color is distinctive like the chrysanthemum flower, and they are classified as the best ornamental plants to purify the air in rooms, especially with an increase in their quantity.

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philodendron plant

An ideal type of plant that has the ability to get rid of harmful waves and rays, such as EMF radio waves, and has a long history of purifying the air from formaldehyde, and purifying the atmosphere from harmful plankton.

Are ornamental plants safe for humans?

After identifying the best ornamental plants to purify the air in rooms, the question remains, are these plants safe for humans? We point out that these plants are not edible, and that some of these leaves are poisonous, so care should be taken when there are children or pets in the house, and in any case, you should consult a specialist before acquiring any of these plants.

How to take care of air-purifying ornamental plants

The first step in caring for plants inside the home is knowing what elements the plant uses for its growth and development. For example, we mention:

  • Nitrogen: which benefits and maintains the plant, and provides it with the perfect green color.
  • Phosphorous: Also important for the roots to grow well, and helps the growth and blooming of flowers.
  • Potassium: It serves as a protective shield for plants from exposure to diseases.

Tips for taking care of plants

A number of tips that we will present now to contribute to the nutrition of plants and take good care of them, so that they do not die or be damaged:

  • The use of fertilizers and the aforementioned elements should not be excessive, as their large increase causes burning of leaves and death of roots. Excess concentrations can be treated by watering the soil with water.
  • Every problem that occurs to the plant must be diagnosed before starting to add an unnecessary type of fertilizer that leads to more damage.
  • Pigeon blue is a good fertilizer for plant care, and by using it, it is added to the soil as a diluted solution.
  • Each component of the compost should be added interchangeably.
  • Colored plants need more iron for greater color radiance.
  • Leafy plants need mazut.
  • As for plants that produce flowers, a high percentage of phosphorous should be added to them.
  • The duration of adding fertilizer to the soil is from one to three months, in order to ensure healthy plant growth and not be exposed to burning.
  • When planting any of the plants, it is important to note that they do not need to be exposed to light from the first day of planting until four months have passed.

Talking about the best ornamental plants to purify the air in the rooms does not end. God has blessed us with countless plants that offer man many and double advantages. This is the plant that offers humanity a lot and a lot, and this is the work of God who perfected everything.

خاتمة لموضوعنا أفضل نباتات الزينة لتنقية الهواء في الغرف ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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