نماذج استرشادية للصف الأول الثانوي 2021

في نهاية مقالنا نماذج استرشادية للصف الأول الثانوي 2021 ,رضت أفكار تجاه هذا الموضوع بكلمات من ذهب، حيث استعنت باللغة العربية التي تتضمن العديد من العبارات والمفردات الناجزة، مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Guidelines for the first year of secondary school 2021

The Ministry of Education always publishes guiding forms for all grades, so all students search for these forms to get acquainted with the exam format, through which they can identify the level of questions that will be included in the basic exam.

It is also possible to include a question or some of the questions that will come in the basic exam, and through the following, we will learn together about guiding models for the first secondary grade 2021 in all subjects.

Arabic language guide form

Since the Arabic language is the mother tongue, students always strive to obtain final grades in it, and through our talk about guiding models for the first secondary grade 2021, the form of the first model in the Arabic language can be identified through the following.

First: Expression (compulsory)

Write at least fifteen and no more than twenty lines an essay on sports.

Second: the story

Through your study of the story of Antarah bin Shaddad, answer the following questions:

  • What are the manifestations of Antara’s interest in Abla?
  • What facts did Tana admit: Banha, Antara?
  • Describe Chibob as described by Antara? What is the description of Antarah Shayboub?
  • What did Antara feel while going to Al-Barah land?
  • Third: the texts

    Al-Samwal bin Adi’a said:

    We are a people who do not see killing as an insult *** if Aamir and Solul saw it

    The love of death brings us closer to our terms *** and hates them, so their terms become longer

    And none of us dies, his nose is dead, nor did he fall from us where he was killed

    Our souls flow on the edge of the domes, and they do not flow on other than the domes

  • What is the dominant emotion of the poet?
  • Extraction by Mohsen Badiee.
  • Relationship (and not on other than the raindrops flowing) with what came before it:
    • calendar
    • explanation
    • Confirm
    • detail
  • Why did the language become thin and easy in the Abbasid era?
    • For the ubiquitous luxury of life.
    • To marry between thought and meanings.
    • To develop old themes.
    • To keep pace with the complex literary life.
  • In the last verse, select the style of his short means:
    • one point.
    • Presentation and delay.
    • Define both sides of the sentence.
    • Exclusion and negation.
    • But.

    Fourth: Grammar

  • Technology has begun to enter the field of education, what is the ruling on linking news that has begun?
    • Should.
    • abound.
    • Abstain.
  • A mother is a giver of love and tenderness………
    • her sons.
    • They built it.
    • her sons.
  • The ministers began to feel the burdens of the citizens, a quick act that benefits……
    • Please.
    • wishful thinking.
    • initiation.
    • approach.
  • “Sports teams competed in the non-team athletics championships” between the following – the ruling on expressing the word “other than” in the previous sentence.
    • It should be dragged in addition.
    • It should be set to the exception.
    • It may be set up on the exception or expressed as a substitute.
    • Expressed according to its position in the sentence.

    Fifth: reading

    In fact, the process of getting started with digital transformation is never easy, it is a long and tiring process, but it is important, and the first step you need is to start persuading senior decision makers in it.

    From then down to the smallest employee in the company or organization, after that a strategic plan must be drawn up, goals for the transformation must be set, then the journey of searching for the appropriate technology for you and your need begins, and finally training to train and take the necessary experience to apply it in your company.

    If the company does not rush to keep pace with what is happening around it, it will inevitably fail, and this is what happened to some famous international companies in the fields of technology and communication.

    • What is the relationship of his saying: “Because technology has changed the way consumers think and behave” with what he said in the third paragraph?
    • explanation.
    • calendar.
    • Confirm.
    • detailing.
    • Identify the reason why so many companies have gone digital.
    • Customer support for the majority of companies through electronic accounts.
    • Follow the approach of global companies to ensure the achieved success.
    • Technology has changed the way consumers think and behave.
    • Companies looking for a new way to drive boredom and increase production.
    • What is the significance of the writer’s saying: It is a long and tiring process, but an important one, in the fourth paragraph?
    • Insist on digital transformation to realize its benefits.
    • The necessity of digital transformation despite the difficulty of achieving it.
    • Digital transformation, although difficult to achieve.
    • Technology has changed the way consumers think and behave.

    A guideline for history

    One of the indicative models for the first grade of secondary 2021. History is a very interesting subject, and many students seek to get the highest grades in it for its ease.

  • The first countries that knew weights and scales and used them in trade were………
    • The ancient country of Iraq.
    • Asia Minor countries.
    • Phoenician cities.
    • Ancient Egypt.
  • The cultural and artistic exchange between the countries of Iraq and ancient Egypt was evident through……….
    • Jewelery making skills.
    • The royal seal of Horemheb.
    • Wear the round earrings.
    • Discover the alphabets.
  • The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is considered one of the arts of architecture……………….
    • Ancient Egyptian.
    • Iraqi.
    • Phoenician.
    • Ptolemaic
  • The Phoenicians were influenced by the ancient Egyptians in the idea of ​​believing in resurrection and life after death, so they……..
    • Exploitation of mountain slopes for agriculture.
    • Mummification of dead bodies.
    • Place food and drink with the deceased.
    • Ornamental clothing industry.
  • The most important aspects of religious life in the civilization of the ancient country of Iraq………….
    • The importance of the status of the ziggurat temple.
    • Diversity in architecture and sculpture.
    • Possession of land ownership by individuals.
    • Compulsory military service.
  • Hammurabi’s laws are among the principles that prevailed in Iraqi society with the aim of ………
    • Reducing stability and security.
    • eliminate revolutions.
    • advocate for the weak.
    • Attention to the country’s revolutions.
  • The characteristics of the civilization of the country of Iraq are distinguished from the civilization of Phoenicia by………………
    • Poor agricultural soil.
    • Many coastal erosion.
    • Extensive marine activity.
    • Fertility of agricultural soil.
  • The first countries that knew weights and scales and used them in trade………..
    • The old country of Iraq.
    • Asia Minor countries.
    • Phoenician cities.
    • Ancient Egypt.
  • The Phoenicians were influenced by the ancient Egyptians in the idea of ​​believing in resurrection and life after death, so they……..
    • Exploitation of mountain slopes for agriculture.
    • Mummification of dead bodies.
    • Place food and drink with the deceased.
    • Ornamental clothing industry.


    Geography is an easy subject to score high because it talks about climate and other social phenomena as well as population and human phenomena.

    To continue our talk about guiding models for the first secondary grade 2021, we refer to the guiding model for geography.

  • Explain what is meant by the astronomical site?
  • How do you explain the importance of Egypt’s location after the construction of the Suez Canal?
  • Explain the political borders of Egypt?
  • What is the highest mountain peak in Egypt?
    • Saint Catherine.
    • Tibet.
    • Himalayan.
    • Red Sea Mountains.
  • The area of ​​Egypt’s site is equal to… from the area of ​​Africa.
    • 5%
    • 4%
    • 3%
  • Egypt lies between the longitudes 25 and ………. east approx.
    • 37
    • 28
    • 29
    • 26
  • The different distribution of the population in the delta is due to the different conditions….
    • natural.
    • Economic.
    • geological.
    • Social.
  • The problem of illiteracy can be faced by ……………………
    • Healthcare.
    • small legislators.
    • Volunteer work.
    • Political awareness.

    Guiding forms for the first year of secondary school 2021 Biology

    Biology is one of the subjects of the Scientific Division, whose questions we will learn about through the following:

    • What is the chromosomal structure of a gamete that a normal human male and female gamete can produce?
    • 22 + XX
    • 22 + XY
    • 22 + X
    • 22 + Y
    • What is the genotype of a white-flowered pea plant with the largest number of dominant genes?
    • aaBb
    • AABB
    • AABb
    • AAbb
    • Compare organic and inorganic molecules.
    • Compare monosaccharides and disaccharides.
    • Explanation: Dextrose is one of the nutrients for human energy.
    • Explain what is the importance of carbohydrates?
    • Why are lipids important?
    • What explains the importance of proteins?
    • What happens if the catabolism process stops inside living things?
    • Phospholipids are considered a liquid even though they contain saturated fats.. How true is that statement?

    Philosophy guide model

    In our talk about guiding models for the first secondary grade 2021, we refer to the model of philosophy, which is one of the subjects of the literary section.

    The first question

    Martin Luther King Jr. demanded (an end to racial discrimination against blacks, for the sake of justice and equality for future generations) explained.

    second question

    Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, says: Strike some opinion with some in which right is born.

    The previous saying embodies one of the skills of philosophical thinking. analyze

    The third question

    Explain what philosophical Russell said when he said: Don’t be too sure of anything.

    the fourth question

    There are many situations and situations that excite the human mind.

    The fifth question

    Dostoevsky says:

    “A man should not be like a multitude of people. Be different if you are alone.”

    The previous statement embodies one of the characteristics of philosophical thinking:

    • Amazement and questioning.
    • independence.
    • Meditation.
    • Logical precision.

    Second, the logic

    Logic is an easy part in philosophy and logic, but it needs some understanding, and through what follows we will see some logic questions.

    The first question

    Give examples of philosophers of systematic skepticism.

    second question

    Explain what are the characteristics of a person who thinks philosophically.

    The third question

    The meaning of abstraction and generalization. analyze

    the fourth question

    Explain what is human thinking?

    The fifth question

    The skill of intellectual tolerance needs some qualities. interpret

    Guiding forms for the first secondary grade 2021, chemistry

    Chemistry is a scientific subject and many students need to solve a lot of questions to get to know the ways questions appear in the exam, so through the following we will present you with questions in chemistry.

    • The closer we get to zero…
    • ph value increased
    • reduce h . concentration
    • h . concentration increased
    • Low acid strength.
    • The cylindrical material is likely to be a material…. Standard dimension.
    • one-dimensional
    • two dimensional
    • 3D
    • all the above.
    • The pH of the basic solution is……….
    • less than 7
    • greater than 7
    • greater than 14
    • equals 7
    • A property that gold possesses in visible size and fades in nanoscale…
    • plurality of colors;
    • the yellow color.
    • B and C together.
    • Cancer treatment.
    • When 80.5 g of sodium reacts with water according to the equation 2Na +2H2o >2NaoH +H2, the number of moles needed to complete the reaction is equal to…
    • What is the tool used to prepare the saline solution?
    • When dividing a cube into smaller cubes
    • How do you explain the science of chemistry is involved in the field of agriculture?
    • Explain the relationship between chemistry and the rest of the branches.
    • What is the physical state of barium chloride?

    Physics subject model

    Through the following questions, we will learn about the form of physics questions for the first secondary grade.

    • When is the object’s initial velocity equal to its final velocity?
    • When does displacement equal distance to a moving object?
    • When there is no absolute error in the measurement process?
    • A microgram is equal to… a kilogram.
    • Explain when the displacement is half the distance?
    • How do you explain the use of iridium and platinum in the manufacture of units of measurement?
    • Calculate the velocity of a body of mass 10 kg when it moves at 50 m/s.
    • Two vectors are numerically equal and the angle between them is 60 and their product is 9. What is the value of each of the vectors?
    • Explain what is meant by the standard kilogram.
    • Compare base quantities and derived quantities by definition.

    Through the above, we have collected guiding forms for the first secondary grade 2021 in all subjects that you can read and solve to get acquainted with the exam format.

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    ختامآ لمقالنا نماذج استرشادية للصف الأول الثانوي 2021 , وبعد الانتهاء من تحليل العناصر، وكتابة الموضوعات، أرغب في المزيد من الكتابة، ولكني أخشي أن يفوتني الوقت، فأرجو أن ينال الإعجاب.

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